Services deployed through AppPaaS can view their external access URL on the service details screen.
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The external access URL is automatically generated and includes an SSL certificate to support HTTPS communication.
After signing up, on the Overview page, select the framework you're using.
With the exception of GitHub Repository, the remaining inputs have default values set based on the framework you choose. Select the repository where the source is located.
Click the Run Code button to automatically perform build, deployment, and domain mapping. During build and deployment, you can easily see the progress on the service details screen with statuses of building, deploying, and running.
Each process can also be verified through the logs in the service basic information.
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Services are the smallest set of units that are created when you deploy through a GitHub repository or apply for a DB.
If you configure and deploy the same source repository twice, AppPaaS manages each as a separate service, regardless of whether the source is the same or not.
A project is a grouping of one or more services.
For example, if you want to create a homepage, you can configure it as a single service using only static files, HTML, CSS, and so on, but if you want to manage the content of the homepage separately and make it change dynamically according to data, you can configure it using frontend, backend, DB, and so on, as shown in below.
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If you configure multiple services, you need to collect and manage each deployed service. Services that need to be managed together can be grouped into projects.
If you want to fine-tune the specifics of your deployment, you can modify the following settings
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You can select the framework that the service uses. The development frameworks currently available are Spring Boot, Django, and React.
Depending on your framework, you may need to select a detailed version, please select the correct version in 2.
The port to which the service listens when the source is built and deployed. Typically, Spring listens to 8080 and Django listens to 8000. The port you set in #3 is not exposed externally and will be used when connecting through the internal domain.
The port used to expose services that are deployed internally. 443 is fixed.
Settings for exposing the service externally.
Introducing the Easiest Cloud AppPaaS in the World
However, adopting and operating cloud services often requires a lot of expertise and specialized knowledge, and the costs can be difficult to predict. These factors can be significant obstacles, especially for startups and SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses).
Hesitation in adopting cloud services or facing numerous issues even after adoption is common.
With AppPaaS, you can quickly and easily make infrastructure available without the help of specialists or complicated configurations, providing services to your customers in a timely manner.
The essential components when using the cloud, such as IAM, VPC, CI/CD, auto-scaling, monitoring, and alerts, are already set up in AppPaaS.
All you need to do is integrate with AppPaaS using the standard method provided by GitHub, choose the framework you're using, and set the auto-scaling range.
Based on the provided information, AppPaaS configures an automatic deployment according to the CI/CD environment and branch strategy, providing scalable servers instantly.
Additionally, free SSL and domain are automatically installed, making it ready for service immediately. This process takes just a few minutes.
Furthermore, AppPaaS offers a monitoring page for operations and supports alarm settings to respond urgently to any service anomalies.
With AppPaaS, you can quickly deploy web applications, mobile apps, websites, forums, shopping malls, and more.
Providing the world's easiest cloud for all applications is the goal and philosophy of AppPaaS.
Based on this philosophy, AppPaaS uses standard container technology with a cloud-native approach. There is no need to write a Dockerfile or understand it to use the service seamlessly.
However, if you can utilize it, you will have access to a more flexible and in-depth environment.
Feel free to experience our Beta service period.
AppPaaS currently supports integration through GitHub accounts. You can sign up with your GitHub account and configure your GitHub repository directly into a service.
You don't need to adjust the visibility of your repository for this, and you only need to accept the authorization process officially supported by GitHub.
If you have any inconvenience, suggestions for improvement, or questions while using AppPaaS, feel free to contact us at support@apppaas.com. We look forward to your feedback with a joyful heart.
As described in [What are projects and services?], if you want to compose one product with multiple services, you need communication between each service within AppPaaS.
To support this internal communication, AppPaaS provides internal DNS information. You can see the internal domain information on the service details page.
You can use internal domains to separate services that you want to make public from services that you want to manage privately internally.
Service Visibility
As described above, communication between internal services is possible through internal DNS. However, this visibility is only allowed between services created within the same account. If you try to connect to the internal domain of a service created from another account, the connection will be denied.
AppPaaS is currently in beta and has the following limitations
You can only create one project per account. You can only create a total of three services per account. The three services you can create are limited to two services using GitHub repository sources and one DB service.
Services that are to be deployed are deployed with a fixed 1vCPU/1GB Memory. Only the DB service is allocated a fixed 500 MB of storage space, and no fixed storage space is allocated for source deployments via GitHub.
AppPaaS provides 1G of traffic per service for 30 days, and if you exhaust all traffic within 30 days, you will be blocked from using the service. Blocked services are automatically unblocked and made available after 30 days.
If you would like to use it outside of the above limitations, please contact support@apppaas.com.
React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It enables developers to create reusable UI components, manage the state of the application, and render it on the web as it changes. React's virtual DOM makes updates smoother and faster, enhancing the performance of complex applications.
AppPaaS supports React version 18.2.0 and is available on node.js 18/node.js 20. Please choose the version you want to use.
Service Preferences a) Internal port: This is the port that the service listens to after it is deployed. Port 3000 is used and if you have changed that port within the source, you will need to enter the changed value. The AppPaaS beta performs TCP health checks based on those ports. b) External port, whether to make external port public: This setting determines whether the service is open to the public. It defaults to 443, open, and when set to open, an external domain is assigned to it, making it externally accessible via https://{assigned address}. When set to private, it is inaccessible from the outside and only supports inter-service communication through internal domain addresses. c) Set automatic deployment: When you set automatic deployment, it will receive a hook for changes to the selected branch in your repository and automatically build and deploy when changes are made. <그림 1>
Advanced Preferences A) Installation command: By default, npm ci is performed. You can override that value if you need to modify it. b) Start command: npm run dev is performed. This can be overridden as well. c) Environment variables: Variable is entered in the form of Key/Value and the entered value is injected into an environment variable of the container OS. The injected environment variables can be accessed and used within the code via process.env. <그림 2>
Spring Boot is a powerful framework from the Spring ecosystem designed for simplifying the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. The framework aims to minimize coding time and increase productivity by providing a range of out-of-the-box features for developing web applications.
For Spring Boot, we currently support Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3. Spring Boot 2 can be built and deployed with a choice of JDK 11 and JDK17 versions, while Spring Boot 3 can only be built with JDK 17.
AppPaaS builds on top of Gradle Wrapper and Maven Wrapper, which means that if you don't have Gradle Wrapper or Maven Wrapper in your source, it won't be built and fail.
If you use Spring Initializr or an IDE to generate the source, it will most likely come with Wrapper included, but if you need to add it separately, check out the article below to get started.
Gradle Wrapper Doc: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html
Maven Wrapper Doc: https://maven.apache.org/wrapper/
When building, the jar file is renamed server.jar and is deployed and run under that name.
When using Spring Boot, the build and deployment-specific settings are as follows, respectively
Service Preferences a) Internal port: This is the port that the service listens to after it is deployed. Typically, port 8080 is used when creating a Spring web application and if you have changed that port within the source, you will need to enter the changed value. In AppPaaS beta, we do TCP health checks based on that port. b) External port, whether to open external port: This setting determines whether the service is open to the public. By default, it is set to 443, open, and when set to open, an external domain is assigned and can be accessed from the outside via https://{assigned address}. When set to private, it is not accessible from the outside and only service-to-service communication via internal domain addresses is supported. c) Set automatic deployment: When you set automatic deployment, it will receive a hook for any changes to the selected branch in your repository and will automatically build and deploy. <그림 1>
Advanced Preferences a) Build command: If you select a repository and do not override the build command, the source will be scanned to try to detect gradlew or mvnw. If gradlew is detected, the gradlew clean build command will be performed, and if mvnw is detected, the mvnw clean install will be performed. If you want something other than both to be performed, you can override it by writing in the corresponding value. b) Start command: As mentioned earlier, all jar files are renamed to server.jar, so they are run via the java -jar server.jar command. You can override that value as well. c) Environment variables: It is entered in the form of Key/Value and the entered value is injected into the environment variable of the container OS. The injected environment variables can be retrieved from within the code via System.getenv() or System.getProperty(). They can also be used in the startup command. For example, if you defined a plain environment variable as KEY: ENV, value: dev, you can use it as a startup command like this java -jar server.jar -Dspring.profiles.active=$ENV <그림 2>
Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.
It supports both Python 2 and Python 3, and you can choose from a granular version of the framework.
Service Preferences a) Internal port: This is the port that the service listens to after it is deployed. Typically, port 8000 is used when Django is generated, and if you've changed that port within your source, you'll need to enter the changed value. The AppPaaS beta performs TCP health checks based on those ports. b) External port, whether to open external port: This setting determines whether the service is open to the public. By default, it is set to 443, open, and when set to open, an external domain is assigned and can be accessed from the outside via https://{assigned address}. When set to private, it is not accessible from the outside and only service-to-service communication via internal domain addresses is supported. c) Set automatic deployment: When you set automatic deployment, it will receive a hook for changes to the selected branch in your repository and automatically build and deploy when changes are made. <그림 1>
Advanced Preferences a) Installation command: By default, pip install -r requirements.txt is performed. You can override it if you need to modify it. b) Start command: pyhton manage.py runserver --noreload 0:8000 will be performed. This value can be overridden as well. c) Environment variables: Variable is entered in the form of Key/Value and the entered value is injected into an environment variable of the container OS. The injected environment variables can be accessed and used via os.environ. <그림 2>
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is widely used for adding, accessing, and managing content in a database. MySQL is noted for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, which makes it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, including web applications, data warehousing, and logging applications.
The MySQL provided by AppPaaS is version 8.0.34. You can use it by simply setting a password for the root account. When you make it externally private, no externally accessible domain is created, and it is only accessible to services that exist within the same account. <그림 1>